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Welcome to St. Mary's School, Buddhi Vihar

Carmel Convent

Child is and should be the most ambitious dream in a parent's life because he / she is their real future. Even the most successful people will feel disappointed with life,

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Carmel Convent

The school visualizes quality to give performance and harmony to generate unity among all. It gives ample opportunities to students to grow with righteousness and

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Carmel Convent

With all humility St. Mary's School, Buddhi Vihar shares smiles and makes a pitch for the under-represented and less privileged segments of the population,

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Welcome to

St. Mary's School, Buddhi Vihar

St. Mary's School, Buddhi Vihar, Delhi Road, Moradabad is an Educational Institution, governed by the Catholic Minority Community, named after the Sisters of St. Ann, established in the year 2015 to extend the service of education to children and youth. Following the footsteps of our founders, the Sisters commit themselves to educate and care for the children and youth, especially the girls.

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From Manager's Desk

Sr. Vilma Menezes

Dear Students, Parents, Staff members, and Well-wishers,
Congregation of the Sisters of St. Ann have completed 150 years of our presence in India (1871-2021). It is my honor and privilege to greet you with warm prayerful wishes that you be showered with abundant blessings from the Almighty.

A good educational system helps a child to nurture his talents and overcome his shortcomings. Only by providing appropriate, all-encompassing education that will lead to the development of the all-round personality of a child equipped to face the challenges of life in all his future endeavors, we will be able to raise ideal future citizens of our country and the world.

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From Principal's Desk

Sr. Jessy Mathews

The New Education Policy; its objectives; are to develop higher order thinking in the young generation, to train them to be part of the solution; to have a clear plan in front; and be committed to make it happen, and to develop a grip on the subject and the domain, and the NEP is expected to transform the lives of millions of Indians.

The world rewards the result, not the effort; as educators need to motivate the young “to be Good Stewards” and become effective and successful. There are a lot of calculations and expectations in the world; here we are called to teach the young “to walk an extra mile”. Kim Hubbard says “If you work for a man for heaven’s sake, works for him”.

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Carmel Convent Achievement Carmel Convent


CBSE Toppers
Class-X (2023-2024)

CBSE Toppers
Class-XII (2023-2024)

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St. Mary's School, Buddhi Vihar
Delhi Road, Moradabad. India

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